Home Sweet Home
This is my house in Seattle. You would actually think that it was in Tucson...but I got a little inspired about colors when I was in Tuscanny in 2003. I must confess, it changed the neighborhood...physically and emotionally for me. I love this house. Each passing month, this house patinas; mostly from some neighborly help. Our local homeless guy Lawrence has helped beautify the yard and generally takes currency in Pancakes , cash and catfish. He is a thin, black not brown skinned man with dreds from Louisianna who always carries a toothless smile an eager to work ethic up and down the sidewalks of 77th street. Everytime I go home...I look forward to catching a few glimpes and brief conversations with Lawrence, because no matter who you are...he makes you feel good about yourself because you can't help but give something to the man who has nothing but a collection of rocks (he freely donates to your yard) and the change that happes to be left in his pocket.

Front of my house in Seattle...HOME!

Front of my house in Seattle...HOME!

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