Visit to CR...never hurts!

It should really be called Ahhhhh..shiatsu. This past weekend I ventured to our property in Lenox, Massachusetts in the Berkshires of Western Mass. The weather could not have been any better. With all my stress, I decided I was long over due for a massage with all the tension currently held within my neck and shoulders. During my massage, the therapist said..."whoah, you've got a demon here in your need to get him out."
I said, "its my project in Miami Beach...its the weight of the world resting right there on them."
He then said..."you've got to get him out, you've got to get him out. I don't think I can work that deep."
So...I then booked for the deep pressure stuff; Ashiatsu. Let me tell you what this is like...
Imagine a dark room, with candles burning and some native american flute rthyms playing subtlely in the walls. A richly linen bed lays before you waiting your tired body. Laying face down with nothing but your skin against the thick silk sheets laying atop a plush bed , a therapist rubs a warm oil along your spine, back and limbs. With grace, power, precision and extreme gentleness...the therapist uses the wooden bars overhead to control her weight as she stands then skates along the biggest muscles of your legs, buttock, back and shoulders. Like a choreographed ballet, the movements are strong and beautiful and I can feel the joy and the energy of her movement; she enjoys her work. My muscles warm and awaken to the pressure as they fill with blood to heal the days activities and the stress of weeks gone by.
Yes, they should call it Ahhhhhshiatsu. I'll call it perfect.
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