Iris introduced me to
Johnny Turchin last night. Wow, what an interesting dude. This guy is certainly a celebrity in Miami with his
$22 Million Dollar house and his infamous parties. Well, that's not really the story...except that Iris and I went to dinner with Johnny, his wife and sweet daughter at
Shojis in Miami Beach. When we walked out, Iris offered to drive me to my
hotel. Well, we walked out and Iris could NOT find her car. I'm thinking typical
305 chick. Well, we search, and search and roamed the streets of Miami Beach. I snapped the picture shown here. Well, there were no towing signs around...but I told her to call the police to get the towing numbers to just check and see. She said, well....my tabs are expired, they don't tow for that. I said its not likely. Calling...
"Hello...did you pick up a black Mercedes SUV?"
"You did!"
"It wasn't parked Illegally..."
"Parking Tickets!"
"So you are telling me I can't get my car tonight?"
Iris then says..."They towed my car because of outstanding parking tickets." I then ask, "You didn't know you had parking tickets? (thinking maybe they blew off the car when the cop left them)." "Yeah..." she says..."but I didn't think I had
that many!"
Laughing incessantly (as I often do with my dear friend Iris), I said to dear Iris..."It only takes one, It only takes one." Her response (one of amazement and bewilderment) you're kidding. The evening cost Iris over $1,000 dollars including the $275 tow charge. Ouch!